Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year New Companion

Hey Family,
Well just to let you know I am still here in El batallon but elder forero left to be a zone leader in another city, called Milagro. My new companions name is elder muñoz and he is from otavallo in Ecuador, that is where the native Ecuadorians are from. Its really cool has hair down to his nipples and wears it in a braid. Next week Ill send you a picture so you can see, but the thing is is that elder muñoz only has 2 changes left in the mission, so its almost 100 sure that I will leave el batallon in 6 weeks( the next change).
First off, I am really sorry about the whole money thing that has been going on, normally I would not spend 100 dollars a month, the problem is that since I have gotten here in ecuador, I basically started with debts and its just been tough trying to catch up with the money I get from the mission, but I am basically at the point now where I can live only with the money that I get from the church.
Im really glad that you wrote a letter to Spence, I sent him one about a month ago so hopefully I should get his reply any day now. Dad you really need to go see a doctor, let me guess you still have that horrible hernia as well, go now, these things need to get taken car of or your just going to get worse and more tired and more sick, so go.
Im glad that you are being able to fix the Honda, maybe now he will learn to appreciate his car a little bit more now that he had a time with no car, steven you need to have a talk with dad about driving smart, and be humble, he has a little bit more experience driving than you do, and remember steven that even if the car is crappy, its better than no car, just remember that.
Dad about your calling, Get To Work, you cannont I repeat Cannot receive any blessings whatsoever if you are not working for the lord, if you want better health, feed the lords sheep, help to find those members of the lords fold that are lost, I suggest, reading the parable of the prodigal son, or of the lost coin, they will tell of the joy the lord has when even one of his children come back to him, and dad if his joy is great with the one that came back, how much joy will our father in heaven have with the one that helped to bring back or find that one who was lost. You have a calling of great responsibility, but remember dad that you were called to this by a person who received direct revelation from the lord to put you in this calling, the lord knows that you can do whatever you need to in this calling, he doesn’t call people to callings in which they cannot complete the demands of, the lord is putting his trust in you dad, just work really hard, and dad as a missionary for our savior, I promise you that you will not be able to count the number of blessings you will receive., but you have to work. And put complete faith in the lord to fulfill his end and support you in this.
There’s my missionary side coming out.

Mom sorry to lecture you but I am going to help you with one thing about your Spanish, You said Bueno Dios = Good God The phrase that you want to use is Buenos Dias = good morning, Just remember that. Sorry.
Why do you guys need a new tree, did the one that we have break or something?
It was really cool and this yesterday I confirmed another one of our recent converts. I was so nervous giving the blessing in Spanish in front of the entire ward with a microphone in my face, but oh well it went fine, this change for me should be a really good one, it looks like we are going to have 6 more baptisms this change, but we need to work if we don’t do anything we wont see results. Mom remember that its always good to set goals, just take the time out of one of your days, get your journal, and just write them down, its 20 minutes no more. Its really crazy those little kids are going to be so different when I get home, but oh well that’s the mission, Im sending a bunch of photos, mom if you still don’t know how, have Marcie come over and show you how to put the pics on the blog, this week, I also would like to know what the website address is so that I can see it, So if you could do that It would be really cool Some of the pics are just like normal baptism pics and the ones with the statues are the things that they fill with firecrackers and light on fire at midnight on new years.

Speaking of newyears, it sounds like it was a really fun time there in the house. No seriously you need to at least wake dad up at new years, don’t tell me you guys are really getting that old.

New years here was absolutely crazy. At midnight the streets were on fire. There were explosions everywhere, think about it if every house had like 3 which they did, and all the houses are super compacted, for miles and miles, you can imaging what it was like, seriously if you could see a satalite image of Guayaquil at midnight it would look like the whole city s on fire or is burning.

We are working really hard here in my sector, and on Thursday I am moving in to a new house, that is super nice/ rich, its great Ill send pics the next week and it should be really really cool.

I really hope that all is going well at home. That there are no problems and that you are all safe from harm, Stay safe and pray always, I love you all very much and pray for you every day.
Elder Jonathan Match

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