Monday, January 18, 2010

Movin' On Up and the Shaddows are Fleeing Away

Well Family
 another week has gone by and not alot is happening, I’m really sorry but this letter is going to be a really short one nothing is really going on here in el batallon, we are just slugging away, trying to keep the work moving, we have a good number of investigators here, but the quality is a little diminished, so we are just working really hard to find new investigators, and keep it going strong.
    Dad you are a ward mission leader, you need to study really hard chapter 13 of ¨preach my gospel¨ it will help you to make a good mission plan and get your work moving at the same time.
I don’t know if I told you guys but elder muñoz only has 10 weeks left in his mission, so I have to do a lot of work and at the same time its my responsibility to keep him from getting trunky, Im not going to lie it is really hard, and were going to have to see how the change goes.
Last week we changed houses, right now we live in a house that is super rich, I seriously feel in this house like it’s the states, there is air conditioning and we have furniture, I need to take advantage of this house for the next 4 weeks because I don’t know if I will be there after that time.
Something funny happened the other night though, we were going to sleep, and my comp said, elder match what is that shadow on the wall, it was a really weird shadow, and so we set out to find the cause, for 10 minutes we could not figure it out, it was starting to freak us out because it would move every now and then. Finally I saw that the speakers of elder muñoz have a light and it was the shadow of the leg of the bed, so after minutes of adjusting everything and kinda freaking out, it was just the leg of the bed.
Well I love you lots and know that Im praying for you every day Stay safe Love Jon

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