Monday, January 25, 2010

On Top of the World and the Temple

hey family, I just wrote you an email, but sucks and is stupid an deleted my email as I tried to send it.
so this is going to be a short one like the last one, the work here in barrio batallon is going really well, in the next 2-3 weeks we should have 5 baptisms, so the work is going really well, I am realizing how many baptisms we actually have as missionaries here in ecuador.
   Today we got to do our service at the temple and while all of the other elderes worked outside, me and 2 other elderes go to enter and we went up to the roof and got to clean, it was so cool from the roof you can see all of guayaquil, its great, I am realizing how good it actually is to be able to go to the temple, even just walking outside of it, is some how refreshing, its really cool. I am also realizing that I should have taken way mor advantage of going to the temple in dallas while I was in texas.
    also this week we went to the temple with 2 of our investigatores, they are both women, with husbands that are members less acticve, and are both goijng to marry in the coming weeks. its going to be relly cool, I have been working with one of  the couples since I got here to batallon and finally I am going to get to see the success of my labors.
the sector is still pretty boring nothing is going on, just work work work, I am doing 10 pushups every moring and in 1/12 weeks I want to be doing 15 so we will just have to see how it goes. well I know its real short, but I have nothing else, Stay safe, read your scriptures, pray everyday, I love you all very much LOVE ELDER JONATHAN MATCH

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