Monday, November 16, 2009

Elder Match is heating up


Hey Family
Hows it going there in Texas how does it feel to be in a place where its not ridicously hot, it sounds like things are moving really fast there.
Dad- I’ve been settled in for like 4 weeks now. Im doing really good. I had another bad day for my shoulder like 3 days ago but im fine. Seriously its just pain, Im not going to die, Im doing all the exercises that bro fisher taught me and im fine, it just hurts now and then. The thing is, is that’s part of the mission life, if it was going to be easy there would have been any reason for me to come back here to Ecuador. Seriously dad just keep at it with the guitar and one of these days it will all click together and you will be able to play better and better. Im not worried about the time, so don’t think I am. Also Im not to worried about my baby because when I get back Ill have time to work on her.
Mom- it sounds like you too have a lot to do there in dallas, that book sounds really good what are you guys going to do next. I was talking to Marcie and told her that its really cool and its really weird to kinow how fast that ben is growing up. Pretty soon he is going to be speaking in sentences and I really think that he is growing up way too fast and pretty soon he is going to be going to school. I hope you are doing well and your safe.
Steven- You didn’t tell me who you guys beat, so good job. How are clinicals going I hope that the work isn’t too hard on you. What are you learing in the class right now. You know you should start saving right now for your mission that way when you go you wont have to work like crazy to earn the money necessary. Well good luck with the game Saturday. I hope that the Allen team doesn’t choke

Well like I said it has been going really good here in Ecuador. I am really adjusted and its going really well.sure Im tired and hurting but its not bad and its going really well Im working really hard here in el batallon.
On Monday we went to do a service at the temple and then we went to a buffet called gran chef, I put two pics of it with the email it was seriously one of the nicest buffets I have ever been to. It was also really good food.
I think you will be happy to know that when I left I was a t 240 lbs and now Im at 220 its really coming off fast and Im starting to get back to what I was at when I came home.
On Sunday we have changes its really crazy, I am positive that im staying in my sector, but if you don’t get an email its because I went outside of the city and didn’t have time to write you, but like I said Im almost positive Im staying in el batallon.
To give you an Idea of the names that I have to deal with, every Saturday we eat lunch in the house of family Quijije (pronounced (key-he-hey) so that should really give you a good idea about how crazy the names are here, and to try and here them and write them all down is really hard.
In that Christmas box, if you going to send me one. Wait a week because if your going to do a stocking I would like you to do one for my companion as well. And if I get changed I´ll have a new comp. right now my comp is Elder Forero but it might change so wait a week and then send it quickly.
We have 4 girls named andrea in our ward, it gets really hard to keep them straight sometimes, so just thought tell you.
Now for a sad-funny story, the other elders in our apartment told us this, they were walking and they saw a pastor preaching to his group and he had them in a frenzy with the offering plate, he was saying ´´ its all for god, all your coins and cash , its all for god all for god,¨ and this went on for a while, until this woman had a check and the pastor was all like wait you have a check, you have to put my name on it but its all for god, just screaming and everyone was cheering.
So you can kinda see how the verses in 2md nephi are literally being fulfilled when he is talking about how the churches are literally going to steal from the poor. So that’s a little sad. Well Im going to let you go I have to finish becase the power is supposed to go off at 6pm to8 pm, and if that happens we have to go home for the rest of the night because its too dangerous to be outside without power.
Well I love you lots and everynight I pray for you, stay safe, keep the faith.
Love Always
Elder Jonathan Match
Ecuador Guayaquil South

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